donderdag 7 november 2013

Today's News: Elves, Elves everywhere but not a dragon to see

I'm way behind on posting my latest MS news due to lack of time - yes, really! - but fortunately the last two items both revolved around the same film so I merged them into this one blog update. Call it laziness or call it intelligence and a desire not to feel repetitive. I much prefer the latter.

Neat new sneak peek (extended trailer really, but that sounds less appealing) and solid new batch of posters. Only seven new character posters this time instead of the 16 released for An Unexpected Journey. Makes sense, considering most of the Dwarves featured in Bilbo's fellowship aren't of enough import to warrant additional posters of their own, while the new characters, mostly Elves (and the girlbait/boybait actors portraying them, Orlando Bloom and Evangeline Lily (*swoon*: it works! And she bugs the Tolkien purists too, what more could you want?), are in need of audience attention. The timing for the increase of material in The Hobbit's marketing campaign is nothing short of impeccable, considering the release of the big budget (and naturally overhyped, but no doubt still thoroughly enjoyable) fall blockbusters Thor: The Dark World (seen it, liked it well enough) and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. All those vast legions of cinema-goers will be treated to just the right amount of footage to get them warmed up for another epic fantasy fest during the upcoming Holidays. And it comes as no surprise that we still see little of that overgrown hotheaded lizard that is so eminently part of the title, but only briefly glimpsed and overheard in this new trailer. If we want to see what it looks like, we need to buy ourselves a movie ticket. That's how marketing works, and the people providing such for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug understand this all too well.

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