dinsdag 23 april 2013

Today's News: there's a Storm coming

Look what came flying in from MovieScene:


Other than the intriguing (and far less sexy, which is appropriate for this darker story) new outfit for Storm, what interests me most at this point is Bryan Singer's blatant readyness to communicate with the X-fans. Whereas most directors and studios try to keep the amount of officially released information rather limited so as to entice moviegoers by their lack of knowing what it's actually all about (I'm talking to you, Star Trek Into Darkness!!), Singer happily continues to tweet bits and pieces like this. Of course, no major plot points are revealed so far - not that there'll be that many of those, since X-Men: Days of Future Past is said to follow the original Uncanny X-Men story line of the same name fairly closely - and any existing cast list on sites like IMDb will tell you X-veterans the likes of Halle Berry, Shawn Ashmore and Patrick Stewart are returning to the mutated fold with a vengeance, but still, it's good to see an established director like Singer taking some of his valuable time to personally relay news goodies like this to a fanboy world that's eager to see this new X-travaganza of his. Here's to hoping we'll get a decent update on Tyrion Lannister's Peter Dinklage's character and costume soon, though I'm guessing that might prove to be just a little too big a spoiler after all.

I'm kinda digging the new outfit. Cape seems a bit small though, but hey, there must be economic crises in bleak, near Apocalyptic alternate timelines too, eh?

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