Still offline unfortunately. My own computer continues to undergo attempts at repair (or so I hope) at the store where I bought it from, a process that isn't going as smoothly as it might have gone because of the interruptions caused by the Holidays. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up tomorrow so I can return to update my blog as often as it ought to be updated, instead of by the low frequency of late. Of course, I haven't fully idled my time away (though that is one of the reasons we have holidays, if I understand correctly) and I managed to be present at yet another press screening, particularly of the horror flick Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, my (not all too positive) thoughts on which can be found here:
Hope to be back soon. After all, the excellent (in terms of movies) year 2012 has made way for 2013, which also looks to witness its fair share of good - and not so good - films over which I hope to share my feelings. Plus, there's all the usual year-gone-by backlash, as we can finally settle the score on which 2012 movies rocked abs and which sucked ass. There's plenty of both as we have seen, and I hope to be able to discuss it all in the not too distant future. If technology will allow me...
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