dinsdag 27 november 2012

First day on the job!

 Today I finally had my first bit of work posted on my new employer MovieScene.nl. Here's the result:


Expect to see this sort of thing, links and all, more often around here. For legal reasons I'm not allowed to directly copy what I wrote for MovieScene on this, my blog. But since I don't want to choose one over the other, this is a viable alternative, indicating that I'm still active on both fronts. It may not look very appealing, but for me substance is more important than style. Properly spelled of course.

And yes, I'm hugely looking forward to X-Men: Days of Future Past. The original comic book story is widely renowned as one of the best X-Men stories ever, Bryan Singer has earned my trust with his previous X-Men installments, First Class was top-notch, and both Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are among my favorite actors ever. With so many rights, what could possibly go wrong?

Probably a few things, but let's keep a little optimism for a change...

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